Supporting each other is something that we at Amaterasu believe we should all do. For our most recent project, Founder and Creator Sara Au Yeong was inspired to do a series of headshots with some of the talented women that she has known over the past several years. Keep reading to learn more about the behind this project with Sara!
Question: What inspired this project?
Sara: So, my inspiration for this project really started with just knowing these women and the way they are. They’re always helping and despite how busy they are, they’re always helping others. So, for me, this is my way of giving back to them. I know some of them have talked about wanting a new headshot and I said, yeah I’ll take some time and I’ll work on this project with them and do this for them.
Question: How did you choose the women who are featured?
Sara: Again, I know them, they’re in my life, whether professionally or personally. In fact, actually, most of them I know professionally and then most of them have become friends over the years.
Question: Why do you think it's so important for women to be supporting other women?
Sara: Well, I think that giving support is really important, especially when someone is going through a low time, and then you have a friend who’s there to listen. And women are really great at listening. You can vent, you can talk about it and they just somehow understand what you’re going through. Sometimes it’s just those little things that you need and you just want to be heard.
Question: What are some things that women can do to support each other?
Sara: I would say, just be there. It could just be offering help or checking in. Some people are better at asking and some are not so good at it, so if you have a close friend or a sister, or cousin that you haven’t heard from and you’re somehow feeling that something is not right, I would pick up the phone or send them a text and just say “Thinking of you. Is everything okay?” Just little messages like that somehow, it touches someone.
This project for me, it’s more on an emotional level rather than on a professional level because each one of them has helped me in more than one way or another, so therefore I just want to do something in return.
Be on the lookout for more info and interviews from our new Headshot Sessions project in the near future with the following...
Andrea Neil
Cassandra Varteresian
Surya Devi
Marina Hubbard
Dr. Tanya Gee