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FAQ - The Frequently Asked Questions section holds important information for you. This information will help you to understand our company values, business processes, and makeup products in more detail. 

1) Shipping

2) Checkout Currency is in CAD $

3) Animal Testing

4) Vegan

5) How To Select The Best Colour For My Brows?

6) Sensitive Eyes and Skin

7) Lash Extension Safe

8) How Do I Remove Your Mascara?

9) Product Maintenance Tips

10) Values

11) Return Policy

12) Giving Back

window.setTimeout(() => { var _learnq = _learnq || []; document.querySelector(".product-form__cart-submit").addEventListener("mousedown",function (){ _learnq.push(["track", "Added to Cart", item]); }); console.log("Klaviyo ATC Bound"); }, "1000");