Product Maintenance Tips

How should I store my Amaterasu Makeup?
Please see the How To Use section located at the Amaterasu description of each product for detailed information.
Liquid Eyeliner and Liquid Brow Liner
What can I do to prolong the wear of my Amaterasu eye products?
Before applying all eye makeup, always blot and powder the application area to create a perfectly oil-free base. Definitely give our best-selling Geisha Blotting Paper a try as it's the product pro artists will not be without on set.
While Amaterasu eye makeups are waterproof, smudge-proof and sweat-proof, facial oil or eye creams will shorten its wear; additionally, it can clog applicator tips. Throughout the day, the use of blotting tissues will gently lift any excess oil and maintain makeup longevity.
What if it feels like my brush tip is already clogged?
Do not apply our Liquid Liner right after face/eye cream or oil as this will clog up the brush and affects ink flow.
Draw a few lines on a paper towel to help remove debris (oil, eyeshadow, primers) from your Liquid Eyeliner or Liquid Brow Liner. If this fails, run the brush tip under room temperature water (no soap required) for approx. 5-10 seconds and then return to drawing on the paper towel.
NOTE: Filtered water is preferable for the cleaning of Amaterasu micro-fiber tips and brushes.
Eye Pencils
What can I do to maximize the wear of my Amaterasu eye pencils?
Before applying all eye makeup, always blot and powder the application area to create a perfectly oil-free base. While Amaterasu eye makeups are waterproof, smudge-proof and sweat-proof, facial oil or eye cream will shorten its wear.
Once that is done, twist 1-2 mm of the pencil and then warm up the pencil by gliding it back and forth on your hands. This will warm up your pencil thus softening the product for easy application. Just remember, eye makeup likes warmer temperatures so do remember to not store it in extremely cold areas of your home or your car.
How do I keep my Amaterasu mascara wand fresh?
Wipe mascara wand once every 2-3 weeks with a paper towel. Mascara will behave as if it was new again. Note: Avoid the use of toilet/facial tissue as tiny fibers will deposit onto the mascara wand and this can affect the performance of Amaterasu mascaras.
How do I remove my Amaterasu mascara?
Our mascaras are easily removed by massaging the lashes with your fingertips and warm water. You do not need any makeup remover. If you are experiencing difficulty, please use slightly warmer water and keep massaging it off. The massage technique will help disintegrate the mascara fibre from your lashes. Once you are used to it, it becomes second nature.
Oil based remover actually binds to the mascara and ends up making the removal process more tedious. We have had customers use foam cleansers to remove their mascaras with great success too. The key is go for an oil-free remover if you do decide to use one.
Kabuki Brush
How do I keep my Amaterasu Kabuki Brush clean?
It is important to wash your brush often. I usually have a few on rotation in case one is still drying. I use one for my foundation and one for applying cream blush.
Please wash with a gentle cleanser or shampoo to remove foundation or cream blushes. Rinse with cool to lukewarm water. Lay flat to dry on a piece of towel. AIR DRY ONLY, do not use a hair dryer to dry this brush.