Welcome to our next feature for our Goddess of the Week series. This week we speak with Cassandra Varteresian, a gifted Registered Massage Therapist and Osteopathic Manual Practitioner.
Sara: When did you first decide to go into the field of Osteopathy?
Cassandra: I first heard about Osteopathy during my 3-year training to become a Registered Massage Therapist. I was highly impressed with the skills of an Osteopath, but at the time I was unable to imagine I could become one. However, after practicing as a Massage Therapist for 3 years I realized if I was to truly make a difference I had to understand, in more detail, the intricacies of anatomy, physiology and how the body heals.
All the post-graduate courses I was interested in were embodied within the philosophy of Osteopathy. I knew taking a few weekends of courses was not going to enable me to fully integrate the knowledge into my practice. I had to take a bigger leap of faith and commit to the 5-year training program offered to fully embody the philosophy of Osteopathy. This began my journey as a Manual Osteopath and everyday I am humbled by the art and science of this philosophy.
Sara: What do you believe is the most important lesson you’ve learned through your journey as a Registered Massage Therapist and Osteopathic Manual Practitioner?
Cassandra: To trust in the subtleties and to never underestimate the healing potential of the human body. The more you know, the more you also don’t know.
Sara: How important is it for you to volunteer and help other people?
Cassandra: If what I do professionally or personally doesn’t have a positive influence on the world then I’m not living up to my potential as a human being. I live my life by Ghandi’s quote, "Be the change you want to see in this world.”
Sara: Where is one significant place that you’ve been to that has influenced you the most in life?
Cassandra: To my heart. Learning to truly be and live from this space has given me the deepest sense of peace, love and serenity to make conscious choices. To my surprise, I have found effortless inner joy by being so.
Sara: Since we’re on the topic of the heart, what would you say is your favourite Amaterasu Beauty product?
Cassandra: I’m very minimal when it comes to makeup. I love how the Amaterasu Beauty products allow a refined look with minimal effort. I especially love the Liquid Brow Liner.
Sara: What does Empowering Beauty Everywhere mean to you?
Cassandra: To discover and be confident within your true nature. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. The more you empower someone to resonate their true nature, beauty permeates within them. It is everyone’s purpose in life to resonate and reflect this beauty outward. Our world needs more beauty now more than ever.
We are grateful to Cassandra for taking the time to speak with us. We believe everyone is truly beautiful in their own way, and we hope these interviews inspire you to empower yourself and one another. This is one way we can create more beauty in the world together.