Liz Dungate is a local Vancouver-based fashion and beauty photographer who brought our Spring/Summer 2021 photoshoot to life. After producing all the wonderful images you've seen that highlight the natural beauty of our models and makeup, we had the opportunity to ask Liz a few questions.
From her love of photography to the importance of giving back, here's your chance to look inside Liz Dungate's inspiration and her life's philosophy.
Sara: What do you love most about being a photographer?
Liz: I recently made a post about this very thing! I basically said that what really draws me to photography is creating a connection between the model (subject) and myself, it’s almost like learning to dance with a new partner. Every person is unique and finding that sweet spot where we are moving in tandem is my greatest joy. This also applies to teams, where it’s the best feeling when we all find our groove and literally dance around each other throughout the shoot.
Sara: You opted to donate your fees to a cause that is close to your heart for this photoshoot and it is truly heartwarming to us here at Amaterasu. Can you share why you selected the Surrey Women’s Centre?
Liz: The Surrey Women’s Centre was my favourite client at a design company I worked at for many years, I just really connected with their philosophy and their people. They are 24/7/365 support for those who experience domestic violence, abuse and sexual assault. They will literally hold someone's hand through the complexities of making an escape plan from domestic violence, going to the hospital or making a report after an assault, even sitting in a courtroom looking for justice. I also have personal reasons for my passionate support over the years. I donate every year, so it was natural to donate my fees to help them do their important work.
Sara: Since life is all learning and growing, how would you describe the experience you had with this shoot and the team?
Liz: I had a wonderful day with this team! I’ve worked with Win, an extraordinary makeup artist (and art artist) for years, and I also have worked with all three of the models previously, so I felt a warm connection with each of them as well.
Sara: Why is giving back so important to you?
Liz: It’s important to me to support organizations that give people their own power. In addition to the Surrey Women’s Centre, I give to Wikipedia because I want people to continue to have access to free (and reliable) information. I give to the Food Bank because I want people who are struggling to be able to feed their families. I think if you have any power (a means, a voice, influence) why not use some of it to give other people power?
Sara: Explain to us what true beauty means to you.
Liz: I shoot so many beautiful people (most of my shoots are with models!), but the most beautiful people are the ones that I find some connection with, the people who let me really see them - a true smile that actually reaches their eyes, sharing something they really care about, laughing instead of scowling when things don’t quite work the way we thought. That’s when I see real beauty in people. And when I act that way myself, I feel beautiful.
We can't express our utmost gratitude to Liz for her participation in this meaningful photoshoot. Her generosity and her acts of kindness definitely radiate in her work. If you ever need some new photos done, we would not hesitate in recommending this beautiful soul.
To view more of Liz's creative work, please visit her at: